
How to Make Potato Leek Soup

Potato Leek Soup:

  1. Cook onion and leeks until mostly soft.Add celery.

  2. Fronds are friends (and food) save them for garnish and add sliced fennel bulb to the pot .Cook 5 minutes.

  3. Melt butter (Add spices here or be a dummy like me and add them later on cuz you weren’t paying attention).

  4. Add flour and cook 2-3 minutes.

  5. Add liquid.Whisk after each addition(spices are paprika garlic powder and thyme) continue on until all liquid is added.

  6. Add potatoes.Simmer 30 minutes.

  7. Heat extra virgin olive oil.Add chopped sage cook 1-2 minutes.Don’t burn it!

  8. Add a little heavy cream to the soup.

  9. Drizzle sage oil on top.

  10. Enjoy !

    Watch Youtube Video: Potato Leek Soup

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Written by Muhammad Qasim

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